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Additional HLA Resources

Alternative Study Resources

(AFDT) American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation: They have a virtual basic histocompatibility course for a fee. They also offer a specialist course every other year. 

ASHI’s Resource Link: ASHI has a resource webpage that contains an expanded collection of resources if you’re looking for something specific. 

ASHI’s Study Page: AKA the Certification Education Study Guide. Tons of useful article and study resources. 

British Society for Immunology: Contains bite-sized articles for studying immunology. 

Khan Academy: Both the biology category and the immunology subcategory contain helpful learning material. 

Merck Manuals: This site is useful because of its two versions (consumer vs professional) and contains a multitude of links to additional terms (ie: rabbit hole material). The Consumer version is meant for patients and tends to be simpler; you can build to Professional understanding from there. 

IMGT/HLA Database: Centralized collection of approved HLA allele sequences and tools for querying the database. 

HLA Nomenclature: WHO-approved naming conventions for genes and alleles in the HLA system. 

Heavier Reading


ASHI Laboratory Manual (4th Edition, Volume 1) by the American Society of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (2000). This is useful for studying the older techniques and basic test theory. To access the full document on scribd requires sign-up for a free trial. 

HLA Factsbook by S.G.E. Marsh, P. Parham, & L.D. Barber (1999). This book contains more details about the genetics and molecular structure of HLA. Available on Amazon, scribd, or possibly through a library system. 

HLA Beyond Tears: Introduction to human histocompatibility (2nd Edition) by Glenn E. Rodey (2000). Excellent overview for someone new to the field, though it is outdated. It is available to borrow on the Internet Archive.  


Immunogenetics: Methods and applications in clinical practice edited by F.T. Christiansen & B.D. Tait (2012). You may have access to the PDF version of this book through your institution on Springer‘s website. 

Transplantation Immunology: Methods and protocols edited by A.A. Zachary & M.S. Leffell (2013). You may have access to the PDF version of this book through your institution on Springer‘s website. 

Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics: A collection of brief revision notes by D. Kallon. The PDF is available to download on the right side of the page, or you can browse the notes via the organized web pages. 


Human Immunology


ASHI Quarterly (Newsletter available with an ASHI subscription)

Associations and Societies

Transplant Associations

(NMDP) National Marrow Donor Program/Be the Match: An organization responsible for matching hematopoietic cell (bone marrow) transplants and cellular therapy, contracted by the U.S. Government. Hematopoietic cells can be more difficult to match than solid organs. For this reason, NMDP is affiliated with the global World Marrow Donor Association and many other organizations to assist with matching patients on a global scale. 

(UNOS) United Network for Organ Sharing: The organization in charge of the solid organ transplant system in the United States, contracted by the U.S. Government